Kalau tak pas nie, ada something wrong ngan otak korang.
Short Neurological Test
1- Find the C below.. Please do not use any cursor help.
2- If you already found the C, now find the 6 below.
3 – Now find the N below. It’s a little more difficult.
This is NOT a joke. If you were able to pass these 3 tests, you can cancel your annual visit to your neurologist. Your brain is great and you’re far from having a close relationship with Alzheimer.
part 2
eonvrye that can raed this rsaie your hnad.
To my ‘selected’ strange-minded friends:If you can read the following paragraph, forward it on to your friends and the person that sent it to you with ‘yes’ in the subject line.
Only great minds can read thisThis is weird, but interesting!
If you can raed this, you have a sgtrane mnid too
Can you raed this? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is that the frsit and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it whotuit a pboerlm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! If you can raed this forwrad it
weh mal....ak punya carian agak terbalik...find N ak jumpa dlue...find C jumpa last...huhuhhu
act otak manusia mmg ada instinct untuk baca ssuatu perkataan walopun telah ditonggang tebalik...but ak xingt apa nama kebolehan nie...nie ak jumpa ak gtau...
dia mcm instinct seekor rusa yg lari apabila nampak seekor harimau..act rusa tue baru nampak kaki jer sebab lindung ngn pokok...tp de kaki jer dia dh wat conclusion yg tue harimau...mcm tue la lebih kurang...
dah jumpa namanya 'priming'....
to inspirasi arjuna:
hehe.. thnks info yg bguss..
alhamdulillah great brain la kononnye.
tapi exam baru ni tahpape jugak.wuuuu.
yesss i can do it!!..test tht u hav given,two of them..hehe..alhamdulillah...
kekeke..before this also i already found about the test part 2...this show tht "Power Of our Brain"..subahanallah.the great gift from Allah to us.....FYI.. to people tht cant't reading/writing in english..maybe its dificult to them..coz they do not recognize the word in english...anyway..thanks for da nice info..;)
veryone that can read this,raise your hand.
To my"selected" strange-minded friends:if u can read the following
paragraph,forward it on to ur friends and the person that send it to
u with 'yes' in the subject line
only great minds can read this.This wired,but interesting!..
if u can read this,u hav a strange mind too..
can u read this? only 55 people out of 100 can.
i couldn't believe tht i could actually understand wht i was reading
the phenomenal power of the human mind,according to a research
at cambridge university,it doesn't matter in wht order the letters be in
the right place.the rest can be total mess and u can still read it
without a problem.this is because the human mind does not read
every letter by itself,but the word as a whole.amazing huh?
yeah and i always thought spelling was important! if u can read this forward i.
waaaaaaaaaaaa yessssssszzzzzzzz i cannn do it..
thanks syahira for this sharing..kekeke ;P
to azrey :
coz give credit to me..
actually i copy from somewhere too..
hee but didn't remember where..
sye berjaya dengan jayanya..
Aku terletak blog Anda menggunakan google dan saya harus mengatakan, ini adalah salah satu artikel terbaik ditulis dengan baik aku telah dilihat dalam waktu yang lama.
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